Change Gender Marker

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Legal Change of Gender

Note: As of January 10, 2022, adults and people 12 and older will no longer require a physician’s or psychologist’s confirmation of change of gender designation. See the BC Gov News Release.

Born in BC

If you were born in BC, update your BC birth certificate. You can change your gender in BC to M, F, or X.

Complete the Application for Change of Gender Designation for adults and minors aged 12 and older or minors aged under 12 years. This application requires you to send the following:

  • the application form. Send the application form to Vital Statistics in Kelowna. This is a different office than the one that processes name change applications.
  • any previously issued birth certificates in your possession;
  • the required fees.

Minors aged under 12 years

For minors aged under 12 years, also include proof of parentage and/or legal guardianship (e.g. a birth certificate listing the parents and any order of guardianship);

Minors aged under 12 years need consent of all parents to change their gender.

Also include Physician’s or psychologist’s confirmation of change of gender designation (minors aged under 12 years).

What to expect: You will get a confirmation letter from the Vital Statistics Agency letting you know your gender change application has been processed.

Please note that if you are also changing your name, be sure not to order a new birth certificate, or replace your Provincial ID until you have also received your Change of Name Certificate to ensure that your new birth certificate will reflect both the correct name and gender.

Born in Canada, but not in BC

If you were born in Canada but not in BC, you must update your gender marker in the province where you were born. Here is contact info for Vital Statistics Agencies in other Canadian Provinces.

Born outside of Canada

If you were born outside of Canada, you may be able to update your birth document in your birth country. You may update your BC and Canadian documents even if you cannot change your Birth Certificate.

Do not do contact your origin country’s government about your documents if you may need to apply for refugee status. Contact a lawyer for advice.

Bring ID when you go to offices related to this process:

Next steps:

Move on to the steps for changing Federal documents, if desired.  Remember, name and gender markers can be changed at the same time. You should consider this approach if you want to streamline the process and minimize potential fees. 

Helpful Addresses:

Vital Statistics Agency: Gender Change Office

478 Bernard Avenue, #305
Kelowna, B.C.
V1Y 6N7

Telephone: 250 712-7562

NOTE: This is a different office from the one that does name change applications. Do not send both applications here.

Vital Statistics Agency: Name Change Office

Attn: Confidential Services
PO Box 9657 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 9P3

Telephone: 250 952-2681 (Victoria & Outside B.C.)
Toll free: 1 888 876-1633 (within B.C.)

Health Insurance B.C.

PO Box 9035 Stn Prov Gov
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 9E3

Toll Free: 1 800 663-7100 (MSP)

Provincial Documents

Note: As of January 10, 2022, adults and people 12 and older will no longer require a physician’s or psychologist’s confirmation of change of gender designation. See the BC Gov News Release.

Here is the process for updating the gender marker on your provincial documents without a birth certificate.

Note: If you are also changing your name at this time, bring either a Certificate of Name Change or foundational document reflecting your new name (e.g. birth certificate or citizenship certificate) to ensure your identification can be updated to reflect the correct name and gender marker.


Complete the Changing Your Gender Designation (Adult).

Make a copy of the form.

Send one copy to Health Insurance BC.

Wait for confirmation from HIBC that they have updated your record.

Take the original form to ICBC at a Drivers Services Centre.

Bring ID when you go:

Get a new BCID or BC Drivers Licence, and a Service Card. We recommend you do not get both combined into one card.

Children and Youth

Complete two copies of the Changing Your Gender Designation (Minor).

Get two copies of Proof of Parentage and/or Legal Guardianship, meaning the consent of all parents or guardians. In very narrow circumstances this consent can be waived (this link will immediately download the file).

Send one copy of each of these to Health Insurance BC.

Wait for confirmation from HIBC that they have updated your record.

Take your copies of the above forms to ICBC at a Drivers Services Centre.

Bring ID when you go:

Get a new BCID or BC Drivers Licence, and a Service Card. We recommend you do not get both combined into one card.