GRS Montreal

If you have any questions about having phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, or erectile tissue release surgery at GRS Montreal, we recommend that you refer to their website.

It can also be helpful to speak with others who have had surgery at GRS Montreal, if they are comfortable sharing about their experience.

Below is a description of what generally happens when you access surgery at GRS Montreal. Each situation is a bit different and processes change over time, but generally the process will include:

  • Have an in-person consult with your surgeon 1-2 days before your surgery.
  • Follow the instructions for the night before your surgery related to bowel preparation, showering, and removing jewelry.
  • Follow the instructions from your surgeon for when to stop eating and drinking.

  • Arrive at the surgical centre on the day of surgery. Some people are advised to come the night before.
  • Check in with the Admissions Desk.

  • The staff will show you to your room. There will be a vault to store your valuables.
  • A nurse will talk with you about what to expect.You’ll be given a hospital gown to change into. You’ll be reminded to remove your jewelry. You can ask any questions you have.
  • The nurse will start an IV and check your blood pressure.
  • The surgeon may make some drawings on your skin to guide the procedure. 
  • The anesthesiologist may visit you to talk about the anesthetic and answer questions.

  • You will be taken to the Operating Room in your hospital bed.
  • The nurses will assist you onto the surgical table and put on a blood pressure cuff and some monitors.
  • The anesthesiologist will talk you through going under anesthesia.
  • Once the anesthesia has made you fall asleep, the surgeon will begin the procedure.

  • When the surgery is over, you will be taken to a recovery area. Nurses will monitor you closely until the anesthesia wears off.
  • You will be transported back to your hospital room and the nurses will help you get settled. They will continue to monitor you, help you with pain management, and talk to you about your bandages and drains.
  • After your surgery, you will stay at GRS Montreal’s  surgical centre (called the CMC) for 2-3 days.
  • You will then move to GRS Montreal’s post-operative centre called the Asclépiade for about 1 week. Nurses are on-site to provide 24-hour post-operative care, support & education.