Be Referred to the Surgical Center

In BC, publicly funded gender-affirming phalloplasty, metoidioplasty or erectile tissue release surgery can be done at the Gender Surgery Program BC.

For help with making decisions about lower surgeries, including location and procedures, refer to the Workbook for Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty, and Erectile Tissue Release Surgery in BC.

GSP BC (Vancouver)

The referral form for the Gender Surgery Program BC can be found on their website.

Once your assessments are complete and your referral has been sent, the Gender Surgery Program BC will contact your GP or NP to confirm they received it. You can also call the GSP BC directly and confirm that they received your referral package.

  • Tel: 604-875-5060

GSP BC will contact you to book a surgical consult.

Erectile Tissue Release and Metoidioplasty

Once you have had your surgical consult appointment, the GSP BC will contact you to book your surgery date. The wait time for this can vary and your surgical team will give you up-to-date information during your consult appointment.


Once you have had your surgical consult appointment, the GSP BC may recommend you for medically necessary hair removal at your donor site (this may not be required for everyone).

If the GSP BC surgeons provide a written recommendation for medically-necessary hair removal, you will also receive detailed instructions on how to move forward with getting publicly-funded hair removal.

The GSP BC will meet with you to assess how the hair removal is coming along. Once the hair removal process is complete, they will contact you to book your surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I learn more about the Gender Surgery Program of BC (GSP BC)?

The GSP BC website has a “resource” section with the following:

  • a recording of their Information Session from September 18, 2019
  • a Frequently Asked Questions document

Are the costs for travelling for this surgery covered?

No, but you can apply for financial support. Please see the Make Travel Arrangements section for details.

Are the costs of staying in Vancouver (before or after my hospital stay) funded?

Some people may prefer to stay in Vancouver for a couple days before and/or after their surgery. These accommodation costs are not funded, though GSP BC surgical team will give you a list of hotels with reduced medical rates.

Where can I learn more about the surgeons at the GSP BC?

The GSP BC website has a “Meet the Surgeons” section that introduces the surgeons. If you have questions about requirements or would like up-to-date estimates of wait times, you can call the GSP BC.